Our collection of designer totes and handbags will effortlessly elevate every outfit.
Our collection of designer totes and handbags will effortlessly elevate every outfit.
Whether you need a carry-all tote for a day at the farmer’s market or a luxury satchel in a statement color, Peter Kate has curated a handbag selection that’s timelessly stylish. We have totes and handbags from all your favorite designers. Find luxurious options from MZ Wallace, Kempton, and Annabel Ingall.
At Peter Kate, we curate all of our collections with you in mind. Our high-quality handbags are the perfect accessories for any outfit. We offer styles in a selection in high-quality materials and in a variety of colors, featuring an array of hardware. Whether you like timeless neutrals or vibrant pops of color, we have a well-curated selection of handbags for you to choose from! Indulge in our designer totes and handbags at Peter Kate today.
At Peter Kate, we are committed to curating the best luxury brands and styles from around the world. You won’t find the same commitment to bespoke and unique designers anywhere else. We want to find the best styles so that everyone will feel confident when purchasing apparel, accessories, or gifts from our store.
We take pride in our attention to our customers. We want to customize your shopping experience and help you put your best foot forward, whether that’s with our stunning selection of shoes, handbags, or apparel. Shop Peter Kate for our designer totes, handbags, and more today!